Study The Little Honey Bee

Mark Chapter 11, verse 22 - There is a beautiful memory verse for those of us who struggle to remember Scripture verses in the Bible:
“Have faith in God.” Mark, Chapter 11, and verse 22.
You know, last night, I was looking at a program on YouTube of a young Christian music leader who has lost his faith.
He has said there is no God.
And that really devastated me.
This young man, and apparently there is more than one, who has written beautiful Christian music has now turned and walked away from God.
The thing that concerns me most is that he hasn’t done it privately.
He is obviously making a name for himself and leading others to deny Christ as well.
I want to say to you today that there is more evidence that Jesus Christ walked on this earth than there is that Julius Caesar existed, and yet no-one doubts that Roman Emperor.
We really need to strengthen our faith.
We need to encourage our children and our loved ones that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.
If we look at Mathew Chapter 1 verse 23, “Immanuel”, which translated means, “God with us.”
Matthew Chapter 1 verse 23 is one of the most important scriptures in the Bible.
I have just started doing some bee-keeping.
I have become a bee-keeper in my quiet times and I want to tell you that that little honey bee is the most amazing insect.
He is what they call the insect-superstar.
Do you know that 1 kg of honey takes up to 145,000 kilometers of flying time to produce?
Do you know that that little worker bee visits up to two thousand flowers per day to take out that nectar?
The Reverent Langstroth was an American clergyman who invented the modern beehive, the one that we use today, and he said, ”if any man doubts that there is a God, let him study the little honey bee and he will see that it is impossible to believe that there is no God.”
I want to encourage you today to walk by faith.
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not (yet) seen”. Hebrews Chapter 11 and verse 1.
God bless you and when you see that little honey bee working, just be very gentle with him. He is keeping the world alive and he is a creation of the Living God.Until next time, God bless you!

Angus Buchan