There Is Power In Unity

As we look around us, we see that there is a lot of disunity taking place all over the country, indeed all over the world.

It is vital that we remain together.

Remember, one with chase a thousand but two will chase ten thousand.

If we look at the Gospel of John Chapter 17 and verse 11, Jesus prays to His Heavenly Father and says, “ Lord, that they may be one as We are.”

There is power in unity and I really want to encourage you today to stand together as a family, as a company, as a business, as a church.

Let us stand together.

We must keep unity at all costs.

We must avoid divisive talk.

We must keep unity in the spirit in the church.

We must exercise gentle answers, long-suffering with one another, and bearing with one another.

I looked up the Oxford Dictionary to look up the meaning of the word, “unity” and it says, it comes from the latin word and it means “whole”, “to be one.”

United we stand, divided we fall.

You know, I remember, many years ago when I was a very young man starting out and we had booked the town hall for a crusade, and at the beginning, after the praise and worship, I invited my young family to come up onto the platform and to meet the people.

There was my young wife, Jill, and my five children.

I think my youngest daughter, Jilly was just a babe in arms in those days.

And the seven of us stood together.

And then they went and sat down and I preached my heart out and made the altar call, people came forward, gave their lives to Jesus and after the meeting, a young man - he must have been 18 to 20 years old, he walked up to me and said, “Tonight I gave my life to Christ.”

And I thought to myself, “Wow! I must have preached a good sermon”.

I said, “Well, what part of the sermon really touched your heart?”

And he said to me with tears in his eyes, “No sir, I don’t even remember the sermon.

When I saw your wife and all your children, standing together on that platform in unity, that is what I desire. I come from a broken home, a dysfunctional home and I want what you have got, and if Jesus has caused your family to stand together, then that is what I want.”

I want to encourage you to love each other.

You know, the Bible says the family that prays together stays together.

Let us commence with praying everyday before we go out.

Phone each other, build each other up in the spirit.

If you have got nothing good to say about someone, then don’t say anything.

But rather just a nice, gentle word that Jesus loves them is all they need to keep them going.

God bless you.

Angus Buchan