Keep Short Accounts With Men And With God

Do you know that today is the 100th, one-hundredth day for “The Thought For The Day”? This is our hundredth one. Isn’t it amazing how time is just flying by?
I want to speak to you this morning about working hard and doing what your hand finds to do.
If we look at Proverbs, Chapter 10 and verse 5, the Word of God says:
“He who gathers in summer is a wise son;
He who sleeps in harvest, is a son who causes shame.”
Another word for “disobedience” is to “procrastinate”.
“Procrastination” means to postpone action or to defer until the morning.
In Zulu, we say, “Kusasa”. “Kusasa” means tomorrow – but folks, we really need to clean out those cupboards today.
We need to do things during this lockdown time, that we will not be able to do once the lockdown is lifted.
We need to get rid of all that extra baggage – and I am not talking so much about physical baggage. I am talking about spiritual baggage.
If you have a relationship that you need to mend, do it today, phone that person.
who you offended or you have offended and sort it out today because today is the day of salvation.
You know, right at the back of my Bible, Revelation Chapter 22, right at the back, and verse 20 – this is what it says:
“He who testifies to these things says, “Surely, I am coming quickly.”
And then John says, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”
And I am sure all of us are saying the same thing.
But we need to be ready for the coming of The Lord.
We must not be slack.
We must not be disobedient.
We must be ready.
I have written at the back of my Bible, “Keep short accounts with men and with God, for the time is now very short.”
Today, we need to make sure that there is nothing that is left that we can do today.
Don’t leave it for tomorrow.
Tomorrow has enough cares of its own.
May God bless you as you continue to keep short accounts with men and with God.

Angus Buchan