Who Has The Final Word In Your Life?
If we go to the Book of Hebrews, right at the back of the New Testament, to Hebrews, chapter 1 and reading from verse 10:
“You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the work of Your hands.
They will perish, but You remain;
And they will all grow old like a garment;
Like a cloak You will fold them up,
And they will be changed.
But You are the same,
And Your years will not fail.”
This is a description of The Lord Jesus Christ.
I want to ask you this morning: who has the final word in your life?
You know, we have so many people talking to us, giving us advice. We are getting so many messages on the internet. We don’t know who to believe anymore. Who is giving you the final word?
You know, the Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice. In other words, to obey is better than to keep saying sorry because every time you do your own thing you cry out to God and you say, “Why did this happen to me?” It is so much easier to obey the Word of The Lord.
If you go to a car dealer and you buy yourself a brand-new motor car and that motor car starts giving you trouble, where do you go for the final word? Do you go to some pirate parts place to try to buy something cheap to fix it? No. You go straight back to the manufacturer, the one who made the car, and you tell him that the car is not working and he will sort it out for you immediately. Why?
Because he built it!
Now Jesus Christ made you, and He made me, and He made this world and He made the universe and everything in it. Why do we go to get the final word from people, who also like yourself, try to find the way of truth and righteousness, instead of going to The Lord, himself?
You know, I remember a few years ago, I was jogging up the road early one morning. It was still dark. And The Lord spoke to me in my heart, not audibly but clearly in my heart. He said two things. He said, “Its Time” and He said, “One million.” That is all He said, and I believe that He was instructing me to call a prayer meeting in our beloved South Africa, which I did straight away.
It was just after a public holiday. It was probably the worst time to call a meeting. Everybody had been on holiday down at the coast, and they had all gone back to work but you know, in six weeks, we had a prayer meeting where there were more than 1 million people present. Some say 1.4 million - we don’t know how many because we didn’t sell any tickets and we didn’t take a collection, but I want to tell you, things changed after that because I listened to the final word of God in my life. There were many people who said, “It won’t work. No-one will come. Who is going to pay for it?” God told me what to do. He said, “Its Time!” and He said, “One Million people,” and everything fell into place.
Just do what He says because He knows what He is doing. He made everything and especially you!