Stop Meddling

If we go to the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 2 and verse 3, this is what the Word of God says:

“How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?”

Oh my dear friend, we need to stop meddling in other peoples’ business and we need to start to concentrate on our own salvation.

The Oxford Dictionary says the word, “Meddle” is to interfere in something that is not one’s concern.

Like the foolish fisherman who is walking up and down the shore, inspecting everybody else’s nets, and he is totally neglecting his own net. It is full of holes.

When he goes out to fish he will catch nothing.

Like the lazy farmer who neglects to maintain his equipment and when the rain comes and it is the planting season, he has got equipment that is not fit to go into the field.

We really need to concentrate on our salvation.

What does that mean?

Well, it means spending time with God.

It means getting up in the morning and having quiet times, reading your Bible, hearing what God is saying about the situation and not what the government or what some other person’s opinion is.

That is what is causing you to be depressed.

We really need to maintain our walk with God in this very critical time in which we are living.

President Abraham Lincoln, regarded by some as probably the greatest American President ever, he was a country boy.

He had very limited education and they asked him a question one day.

They said, “If you had to cut down a very large tree, and you were given 6 hours to cut it down, how would you go about it?”

He said, “I would spend 4 hours sharpening the axe.”

You see, you cannot cut a tree down with a blunt axe.

And The Lord says to you today, “How will you escape if you neglect so great a salvation?” If you are not spending time with The Lord Jesus Christ, how are you going to make it?

Well, the bottom line is, you are not going to make it.

I remember clearly as a young man in Australia, going to an Agricultural Show and watching men in a woodcutting contest with axes.

The real professionals arrived with a case that looked like a violin case. It was velvet on the inside. They took their axes out.

They were so razor-sharp that you could shave with them.

And then there would be a handicap situation where the youngest guy would start cutting this massive tree and the champion would be the last man to go.

And I was looking at this and thinking, “Well, the champ will never make it”, because that young guy, and the second guy, and the third, and the fourth were almost through their trees, until I saw this professional take over.

Eventually, they allowed him to go.

I think with two or three huge swipes, he dropped that tree and afterwards you could see, it looked like a plane had gone through that tree.

Why? Because he had prepared himself before the competition.

Prepare yourself and do not neglect your salvation.

Jesus Christ has never ever deserted you and he is not going to do it now.

Have a great day as you spend time in His presence.

Angus Buchan