You Will Not Need To Fight This Battle

2 Chronicles, Chapter 20 and verse 17, the Lord says:

“You will not need to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.”

I want to say to you today, you don’t have to fight this battle, you don’t have to fight COVID 19.

In fact, you don’t have to fight anything.

What you need to do is to stand still, to hold your peace and let the Lord fight for you.

You might say, “But Angus, I am between a rock and a hard place. I don’t know which way to turn.”

Well, remember the story in Exodus Chapter 14 and verse 13 and 14?

The Israelites were trapped between the Red Sea, a vast ocean and a furious army which was sent by Pharaoh to destroy them.

They couldn’t go forward and they couldn’t go back.

And what did the Lord say?

“Stand still and see the salvation of God.”

And what happened?

The Red Sea literally parted and they went through the middle.

I want to say to you, let the Lord fight for you.

Many years ago, when I arrived from Zambia, I didn’t have much equipment, in fact, I had one little Leyland tractor and I was trying to plant a crop of seed maize.

The tractor started giving me trouble and it was breaking down all the time.

I was falling behind. Time was almost up for the optimum planting season and I didn’t know what to do.

And I was standing at the headland one day and then all of a sudden, I heard the noise of a lot of tractors coming on the road.

I looked around and there was my neighbour, my faithful neighbour, who has since gone to be with the Lord, he had sent his whole fleet of tractors across to our farm and within a day I had caught up to my planting.

He will never leave you and He will never forsake you.

He will send people along your path to help you. Don’t panic.

The Lord has promised you again that you will not need to fight this battle.

Have a wonderful week and stand still and see what God is going to do for you!

Angus Buchan