Call On Me

If we go to the Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 4 and verse 7, the Lord says:

“For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the Lord our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?”

I just love that part,”…for whatever reason…”

During this lockdown time, there are many questions and there aren’t too many answers.

We are going this way and that way, to and fro, trying to find out and trying to reason what is happening in the world, but why don’t we call upon Him?

You know Jesus’s telephone number: Jeremiah 333.

“Call to Me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

The big things and even the little things.

You know, when we really use the Word of God as our direction-finder, people may even perceive us to be wise.

You know, when we are driving down the road -I know it has happened before, it has happened to me and it has happened to Jill - you are in a crowded situation, you are desperate to find a parking place.

How many times have you said, “Lord, please, please just find me a parking place, I am running out of time. I really need to get going,” and somebody just reverses out in front of you, and gives you a wave and in you drive.

You say that is a coincidence.

No! No - it happens too many times to be a coincidence.

Jesus is but one prayer away from you and me.

But you might ask me, “But, how do we call upon Him, Angus?”

Well, Gideon in Judges, the Book of Judges, Chapter 6 verse 38, he put a fleece before the Lord.

He said, “Lord, I am going to put out a fleece, and tomorrow morning I want the ground to be dry and the fleece must be soaking with dew.”

Well, God did exactly that.

He took that fleece, he squeezed it out and a whole bucket of water came out.

He said, “Lord, I am still not convinced. Tomorrow, I want the fleece to be dry and the ground, surrounding it to be wet.”

And that is exactly what happened.

Call upon Him. He will not fail you!

You know, God speaks to me as a farmer, through the elements - through the weather, through nature, many, many times, he has answered my prayers.

But mainly God speaks to us through the Bible.

You know, when I was a brand-new Christian I had such a desire to tell people about Jesus.

I wanted to become a preacher but I was so unsure of myself, not having too much education, not being an eloquent speaker, and I started to pray.

And early one morning - I read my Bible systematically. I don’t jump around in the Bible - and I happened to be reading the Book of Acts and in Acts, Chapter 18, and verse 9, the Lord spoke to me almost audibly.

He said to me, “Do not be afraid but speak, and do not keep silent.”

Isn’t that amazing?

You might be saying, “Do we relocate, or do we stay in the same place?”

Well, Revelation Chapter 3 verse 8 is your answer.

The Lord says, “I have seen your works. I set before you an open door that no man can close.”

There is your answer.

You might say, “Well, do I marry that man or not?”

Well, if he is not a believer, you don’t marry him.

“No, no - but I will convert him.”

No, you won’t. You have to follow what the Lord is telling you.

Sometimes, we don’t like the answers but they are necessary and they give us a very abundant life.

Angus Buchan