What Is A Mediator?
If we look at the Book of 1 Timothy, chapter 2 and verse 5, the Word of God says:
“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.”
“What is a mediator?” you might say.
Well, he is the one who intervenes in a dispute to bring about an agreement or reconciliation. He is the middle man. He is the go-between.
I remember a beautiful story I heard many, many years ago of a group of Christians who lived on the Steps of Russia.
They lived in tents. They were pastoralists.
They looked after cattle and sheep and horses and they loved God, but the government at that time were very anti-Christian, and they were trying to catch this group of believers, but they could never get them because these people worked together in unity.
Their strength was staying together.
It was very important for them.
And then one day something terrible happened.
Some stealing in the camp broke out and straight away there was some division and there was suspicion.
They called upon the leader. His name was Emile.
They said, “We have got to stop this. We have got to set a trap because if this continues and there is a breakdown, the enemy will catch us. But we will have to make an extreme example of the culprit. We will give him 39 lashes on his back. We will tie him to a wagon-wheel and strip him down.”
They set the trap. They caught the thief.
Who was the thief? The thief was the leader, Emile’s 80 year old mother.
Now, what does Emile do? Well, he went and fasted and prayed for three days. He came out of his tent.
He said, “I have prayed. The sentence will be carried out but I will take the lashes on my back.”
I want to ask you a question.
Do you think that Emile’s old mother would steal again after that? I doubt it.
Well, Jesus paid the full price for your sins and my sins.
He took the lashes on His back and was crucified.
Let us today remember that He is not only our Mediator, but He paid a severe price, so that we could be reconciled with our Heavenly Father.
Let us go out today and sin no more because our sins are forgiven.