We Need To Intercede

If we go to Hebrews Chapter 7 and verse 25, this is what the Word says:

“Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.”

Jesus is in Heaven right now, interceding on our behalf.

In my opinion, the intercessor is the greatest ministry of all.

An intercessor is a person who stands in the gap for people.

We are all called to pray.

I myself am a prayer warrior but I am not called to be an intercessor.

And today, I really want to pay homage to intercessors, throughout the world.

James, Chapter 5, verse 16 says: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man (or woman) avails much.”

They asked the great evangelist, Billy Graham, what was the secret of his ministry?

He said, “Prayer, prayer and more prayer.”

I will go so far as to say I will never accept a preaching appointment if there has been no intercessory prayer before the event.

It is the first thing I ask the organizers.

I am not interested in the budget, or the stadium or anything, the advertising - I want to know, how is the prayer going?

If they say, “We will deal with that later,” then I say, “Well then, count me out. It can’t work”

The power of prayer!

And I want to encourage you today to start to intercede and to pray on behalf of our beloved country, South Africa, and indeed the world.

People are fearful. There are many lawless people going around at the moment, doing their own thing.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth never works.

If we put that into position then there will be no people that can see in this world and there will be toothless people everywhere.

We need to intercede.

We need to pray and then God will move on our behalf.

One of the greatest evangelists, a revivalist actually, of all time, was Charles Finney, but they never ever spoke about a man called Father Nash.

He used to arrive in a town three weeks before Charles Finney came, check into a little hotel room, and start to intercede for the town and the people.

Then the evangelist would come to town and Father Nash would check out quietly and go to the next town while Charles Finney brought the Word.

The man that was behind his successful ministry was an intercessor.

My own dear wife, Jill, is an intercessor.

I have a very large team of intercessors praying for us at Shalom Ministries, continually 24/7, headed up by a very special spiritual son of mine, and I want to really exhort them today.

Thank you very much for what you are doing.

Remember the prayer meeting at Bloemfontein and the one in Cape Town and the one in Tshwane, Pretoria - how events changed in the nation, right from the government, right the way down to the monetary system, to singing hymns and praying in parliament?

We need to keep on interceding in Jesus’s Name.

Angus Buchan