He Is Eternally Trustworthy

He is eternally trustworthy.

If we go to the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 13, and verse 8, the Bible says Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

That’s right. Yesterday, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, today the One who offers salvation to all those who would believe and forever, reigning in Heaven.

If you love Jesus Christ today, you are in a win-win situation.

Paul said, “For me to live is Christ and to die is but gain.”

I want to ask you a question this morning. Who are you focusing on?

Are you focusing on the Coronavirus?

Are you focusing on COVID 19 and all the statistics, etc. etc. or are you focusing on the eternally trustworthy one, Jesus Christ?

I remember like yesterday, going down to Kings Park Stadium Rugby Stadium, many, many years ago.

And I was preaching the gospel at that stadium, extremely nervous and there was the threat of El Nino, that horrific drought and the radio was telling the rural farmers, “Save your seed. Don’t plant anything this year. There will be no rain.” And that rumor brought fear and uncertainty and worst of all, hesitation. Remember, he who hesitates is lost. I stood up there. I remember, I wore my Scottish kilt and I said, “To hell with El Nino. I am going back to the farm. I am going to plant potatoes!” That’s right! ”And I am going to fix my eyes on The Faithful One, The Rainmaker, and I am not focusing on the lies of the devil.” 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 V 24 says: “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.”

And I went home and I even hired land from the neighbors and I planted maize and I planted potatoes by faith.

I had some neighbors come and say to me, “Angus, you are committing suicide. You don’t have any irrigation. How can you plant potatoes? And we are expecting the worst drought ever!

I said, “I am going to do it because I am keeping my eyes on the Faithful One - Philippians 4 verse 9.

“The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.”

Well, we planted the crop.

We sweated.

There were days when there was no rain but the potatoes came though, the maize came through and God gave us a good crop - not because we were good farmers but because we chose to trust in the eternally trustworthy One.

Trust in Jesus today my friend, keep your eyes on Him, keep moving forward, keep walking by faith, and He will see you through.

Angus Buchan