The Gospel Is For Free
If we look at the Book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah Chapter 20 and verse 9, Jeremiah says:
“I will not make mention of Him,
Nor speak anymore in His name.”
But His word was in my heart like a burning fire
Shut up in my bones;
I was weary of holding it back,
And I could not.”
Jeremiah was made a fool. He was mocked and he said, “Lord, that is the last time I am speaking about You, but there is a fire in my bones which constrains me. I have to tell people about Jesus.”
Matthew Chapter 10 and verse 8 says:
“Freely you have received, freely give.”
Oh my friend, once you have met The Man from Galilee, you cannot contain yourself. You have to tell others about Him.
There is a beautiful church in Johannesburg.
I will never forget walking into that lovely church and up on the wall in a big neon light was this saying: “Missionary work is gratitude for Calvary.”
That is why people go into all the world and tell others about Jesus for free, because of what Jesus has done for them.
The Gospel is for free.
A preacher told me once that he was studying theology in Edinburgh in Scotland, and he and his young wife were walking down the high street, one cold morning, and they saw this little house with a beautiful flower box outside.
The door was open and they walked in to hopefully have a cup of tea, and hopefully some nice fresh scones.
A dear lady walked out of the kitchen.
She said, “Good morning, can I help you?”
And they said, “Yes, please. We would like some tea and scones.”
She said, “No problem. Take a seat.”
She had such a cozy little lounge.
There was a bowl of flowers on the table.
She laid the table for them, they sat down, and off she went.
The preacher told me he did get a bit irritated.
She took quite a long time but eventually she came out with some piping hot scones with strawberry jam and fresh whipped cream and a hot teapot full of tea.
And they really enjoyed themselves.
And when they were finished, they stood up, and they said to the dear old lady, “How much do we owe you, Madam?”
And she looked puzzled.
She said, “You don’t owe me anything!”
They had walked into a private home!
So it is a fallacy that Scotsmen are mean, isn’t it?
But folks, remember, God has saved you!
Now, all you have got to do is go out and tell other people the good news - that Jesus has come to forgive us of our sins and to give us new life.