Have You Lost Your Way?
If we go to the Gospel of John, Chapter 14 and verse 5:
“Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”
Have you lost your way?
Has this Coronavirus upset your plans, your vision, your future, in such a way that you are totally confused and you have totally lost your way?
Well, I remember that children’s bedtime story of Hansel and Gretel.
Remember that little brother and sister?
I think they lived somewhere maybe in Germany and they went into the big dark forest and they wanted to make sure that they would not lose their way, so Hansel started to drop little bits of bread on the path so that they would find their way back. He made a plan.
But of course what happened was, the birds came behind and ate all the bread, and they lost his way.
Well, Thomas - we call him “the doubter” - I am not so sure he was a doubter.
I think he was a highly intelligent man and he asked the Lord Jesus a reasonable question. He said, “Lord, how can we know the way?”
And then that beautiful scripture, one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible, John Chapter 14, verse 6, where Jesus said to him:
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
I want to say to you today, we really need to look to the Lord for our direction.
You know, the short cut is not always the quickest way home, is it?
I know that as a farmer, many times, trying to take a short cut, you get stuck in the mud.
Take your time and ask the Lord and He will show you.
And the way home is actually to the Father and once you have met the Father, then you know all things.
Be encouraged and keep your eyes on Jesus and don’t make a plan yourself.
Don’t put bits of bread on the road because those bits of bread have all been eaten up.
It is now only Jesus Christ who will show us the way home and He will not fail us.
He never has before and He will not now.
Have a wonderful Sabbath Day as you sit with your family, and you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author, and Perfecter of our faith.