His Grace Is All We Need
2 Corinthians, Chapter 12, and verse 9:
“And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
His grace is all we need.
You know, tribulation, hardship, makes us more reliant on Jesus.
When we are down on our knees, we can’t fall down any further, can we?
And it allows Christ to move in our lives unhindered.
Remember, pride is the problem, and pride is eliminated when we are down on our knees.
Are you today maybe between a rock and a hard place?
Maybe you are feeling, “I don’t see any way out”.
I don’t see any solution to my problem.
Well, that is exactly how the Israelites felt when they were escaping from Pharaoh in Egypt, and they were standing in front of an ocean, not a dam or a lake - the Red Sea, and behind them were coming the most powerful army on the face of the earth.
They had no weapons to defend themselves.
They were stranded.
If we go to Exodus, Chapter 14 and verse 13-14:
“And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”
It reminds me of an incident many years ago, when I was trapped in between a rock and a hard place.
We had had the most horrific drought.
The staff had come up to reap the maize crop.
We had probably 70, 80 women ready to go into the fields but there was no maize to harvest.
Our production loan was at its limit.
Our overdraft was exceeding that which we had permission to use and I did not know what to do.
And we got on our knees and we prayed and a miracle happened - something I have never ever seen in my life before and probably will never see again.
There was a horrific snowstorm.
Now, it just doesn’t snow much in this part of South Africa, and round about us were big forests of gum trees, Eucalyptus trees, that cannot handle snow.
The snowstorm broke all the branches, bent the trees, and the timber companies couldn’t cope and we ended up getting a contract as farmers to become foresters overnight and to clear all of that debris.
Well, every month we had a salary coming in and the people had employment and God made a way for us through the storm.
He will do it for you as well.