God Reveals Himself To Us

It is 12th September 2020 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

One of the most well-known scriptures in the Bible is Romans Chapter 8 and verse 28.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Sometimes we come to the end of ourselves, don’t we?

We say, “There is no hope for me.”

That is often the very time that God reveals Himself to us.

Remember that Jesus is not controlled by your circumstances or mine.

He is not controlled by the situations that we are in, whether they be political, economic, social, or even seasonal.

I have seen Him move so often miraculously in my life to believe that He is controlled by anything.

When we call upon His name, His beautiful name, then we see Him in His most magnificent way!

My dear wife, Jill, and I, just took it in ourselves to get in our car and drive to the most beautiful flower garden I have ever seen in my entire life, and I have had the privilege of traveling the entire world.

We went down to Namaqualand and we saw God’s flower garden in its beauty, beauty like I have never seen in my life before, out of the dry land.

Folks, I want to tell you that they have not had rain there, in some places for over six years, and yet out of the ground, because of a little bit of rain, the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen in my life!

Fields of yellow flowers, adjacent to them, mauve flowers in fields, daisies of orange, of white, of blue, etc.

We saw Jesus in action, in the midst of this horrific drought that has persisted for so long, and yet He is not controlled by the drought.

I have never in my life - I am a farmer, seen flowers looking so beautiful like The Lord has planted them Himself, and obviously He has.

I want to say to you today, I don’t know what your situation is but lift up your eyes and remember Jesus is ultimately, completely in control of your life.

Call upon Him and He will answer you, and He will show you great and mighty things that you have never seen before.

Jeremiah Chapter 33 and verse 3 - remember, that is His telephone number. Talk to Him today.

Have a beautiful day as you keep your eyes on the soon-coming Saviour of the world.

Angus Buchan