Jesus Has Made A Way

It is Sunday morning, 20th September, the year 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 12 and I am reading from verse 20:

“And if so much as a beast touches the mountain, it shall be stoned or shot with an arrow.” And so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, “I am exceedingly afraid and trembling.”

This Holy God called Moses up onto the Mount Sinai to give him the Ten Commandments.

And there was fire and smoke and much trembling in the camp, and the Lord said He doesn’t want anyone to touch that mountain because He wanted to speak to His servant, Moses.

We serve an Almighty and Holy God.

I really must be honest with you.

I have a problem when people talk about “the man upstairs” or “my mate”.

We serve a God who said one word - one word - “In the beginning was the Word” and the whole universe came into being.

This God - how do we approach a God like this?

Well, we thank The Lord for Jesus Christ.

If we look at Matthew Chapter 27, verse 51, when The Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross, the Bible says that the curtain in the Holy of Holies in the temple, was torn in two which gave us access to God, to our Heavenly Father.

You know the old story, it is not what you know but who you know that counts.

I remember a beautiful story told by a minister who was preaching to his congregation, a very large congregation.

This was in the 1800’s.

And he said, he remembered the great evangelist, D L Moody, who spoke to millions of people.

He arrived with a big carriage and an entourage to the church, and as he was walking in, it was packed out.

There were crowds standing on the street, trying to get into the church and they couldn’t get access, and D L Moody walked in with his men.

He had a tuxedo with the long tails at the back and his top hat on and as he walked up the steps of the church, he looked to the one side and he saw a little street boy, a little urchin, a little orphan, sitting on top of a sundial at the entrance to the church, and he was crying. And he said to the little boy, “What is wrong son?”

And he said, “Sir, I want to hear D L Moody preaching but nobody will let me in.”

And D L Moody said, “ Well son, take a hold of my coat tails and don’t let go.”

And the little boy got hold of his jacket on the back and as the great man of God walked in, he walked right down the aisle, right through all the crowds, up the steps, onto the platform and he put the little street urchin, seated right next to him and then he started to preach.

And then the minister, with tears in his eyes said, “I was that little street urchin and now I am the minister of this church.”

I want to say to you, Jesus has made a way for you and me to meet the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, the Holy One of Israel.

Let us today spend much time with Him as He introduces us to His Father.

Angus Buchan