Lift Yourselves Up

If we go to the Book of 1 Peter, Chapter 3 and from verse 11, The Lord says:

“Let him turn away from evil and do good;
Let him seek peace and pursue it.
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their prayers;
But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

I really want to encourage you today not to return evil for evil, not to speak negativeness against negativeness.

I want to encourage you today to lift yourselves up and keep your eyes focused on The Lord Jesus Christ.

There are many, many wrongs going on in the world today.

We look at governments that are corrupt all around the world.

We look at fear. Some of us don’t know which way to turn.

Things are just getting out of hand.

So what happens is, we start to get angry. We start to get bitter. We start to want revenge and hatred builds up within us.

Oh my dear friend, do not go that way.

The Lord says that His face will be against those who do evil.

Let us not lower our selves because of our circumstances, but let us rise above our circumstances and do good.

You know, one of my favorite singers is Andrea Bocelli.

He is an Italian singer who sings opera and also contemporary music.

He is blind. He went blind at the age of 12 years old.

And you know, there are many, very, very famous opera singers - Pavarotti and many others but when they lead, Andrea Boccelli, he usually wears a white suit ,and they lead him onto the stage because he cannot see where he is going, and they lead him up to the microphone, and they let him go - folks, I want to tell you, it brings a tear to my eye every time, and he sings like a bird.

That man has risen above his circumstances.

Now, we have got lots of things in this country and the world that are not right but we cannot allow ourselves to get bogged down with the system of the world.

Like Andrea Bocelli, let us rise above our circumstances and let us sing songs of praise to God because The Lord has promised us that the eyes of The Lord are upon the righteous.

Let us not get into that mud and grovel. Let us rise up like wings on eagles. Let us run and not be weary. Let us walk and not be faint. Let us sing songs of praise to confound the devil.

He is a liar. He is a thief and he is going to hell and all his demons are going with him.

But as for you and I, we will keep our eyes on Jesus, the soon-coming King.

Have a wonderful day and remember, The Lord is with you.

Angus Buchan