Our Heavenly Home

2 Corinthians Chapter 5 and verse 1:

“For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”

We are not to spend so much time on our earthly dwelling.

We should rather invest more in our heavenly home.

This home, this body of ours, is a mere stop-over.

This worldly tent that we are living in will soon be taken down, folded up and put away, but our spiritual tent, that is the one that will last forever.

We need to start spending more time on it.

Don’t invest so much time in things but rather invest in people.

You know, I remember in 2008, we had the biggest tent in the whole world pitched on this farm, here at Shalom.

It took up four rugby fields. It took us three weeks to erect with professional riggers, Attie van Staden and his team.

It took seventeen thirty ton lorries to bring the tent to the farm.

It even had its own weather station.

The tent was so big they had to know when to tension those ropes that were made of that steel wire.

It seated over 30,000 men inside and we had 30,000 men outside. What a weekend!

After the weekend had finished, that was two or three days, that huge tent was folded up, put in those trucks and taken away.

I will never forget walking across that field a few days afterwards and there was nothing left on that field.

It was empty and I felt a bit dejected until The Holy Spirit told me, “ But there are men that you will see forever because those men are not living in earthly tents. You will meet them in Heaven one day.”

I want to say to you today, invest more in the heavenly home and not so much on your earthly home.

Angus Buchan