This Is Our Opportunity

If we go to the Word of God, 1 Peter Chapter 3 and reading from verse 8:

“Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.”

This is our opportunity!

What a fantastic opportunity to be a blessing to a world that has been paralyzed with fear.

We have to invoke people, call earnestly for people to look to Jesus as the answer.

I remember, like it was yesterday, being invited to a large city on the North Western side of our country to the university to speak to the students.

Well, driving into the city that night, all hell broke loose.

We were phoned on our cell phones and told that the venue had been cancelled at the varsity because all the students were studying for exams, but praise God for young people, young dynamic students.

They said, “Don’t worry Oom Angus, we have got another venue”, and the cell phones were buzzing all over the place.

In a couple of hours, they had found a huge venue.

They had put up side screens and speakers outside.

The students were there in numbers, sitting on the grass, anxiously waiting for the Word of God.

And as I stood on the platform and delivered the message that night, I will never forget it.

The place was packed to capacity.

There was a sense of the presence of The Holy Spirit like I don’t often feel, and people were waiting to hear what God was going to do.

Right in the middle of my message, there was a commotion that came from the back of this huge hall and two ladies, middle-aged ladies, were walking up the middle of the aisle and they were weeping uncontrollably.

I didn’t know what is going on.

I said to the ushers, “What is the problem?”

I stopped preaching and as you know, I am not a man who has a quiet voice, and I was so excited I said, “Bring them onto the platform.”

They brought them onto the platform and the one lady started to speak while her friend was standing there with both their hands up in the air, praising God.

She said, “We came into the back of the hall tonight. I was pushing my friend in a wheelchair. She had had a major stroke and was paralyzed right down the one side. As you were preaching, God touched her and healed her completely.”

Well, I want to tell you, the students went ballistic.

We didn’t have to even make an altar call.

People were weeping and laughing.

A blessing came upon that meeting like I have seldom experienced.

And do you know, as they were trying to get me out of the hall, eventually, to the motor car, there were young people running up to me and saying to me,”I am going to change my life. I am going to stop sleeping around. I am going to stop drugging and drinking and I am going to start to follow Jesus Christ, because tonight He has blessed us.”

Go and be a blessing today.

Angus Buchan