Hear From God Today

If we go to the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29 and verse 13:

“And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

Are you waiting to hear from God today, my dear friend?

You say, “Angus, how do you hear from God?”

Well, it is quite simple. You have to wait on Him and you have to search for Him with all of your heart.

I think of John Wesley, that great evangelist and revivalist.

He sailed all the way to America, trying to seek The Lord.

He preached the gospel to the Red Indians and he failed miserably.

He got on a ship and he came all the way back to England, and in a little bible study in a place called Aldersgate in London, Central London, he was sitting there quietly, and he said, “Scales fell from my eyes and a warmth came over my heart.”

And he found The Lord and went on to instigate the biggest revival the world has ever seen.

Charles Finney, a great revivalist, an American lawyer, he went into the forest and he was seeking The Lord, and he said, the glory of The Lord filled His body.

It was a like a shaft of light coming down from heaven.

He cried out to The Lord, “Lord, your love is so great. If You don’t stop, You will kill me.”

And from that moment onwards, he went out and he preached the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What about you today? Are you also searching for The Lord?

Robert Moffat started the Kuruman Mission Station in the northern part of South Africa.

He got on a ship. It must have taken him months - he went back to Bonnie Scotland, to find some missionaries who would come and help him.

On a Thursday night, he was relegated to speak to a few old ladies.

I love old ladies because they are prayer warriors, and they filled the front row of the church, all these old ladies but he was looking for men.

But you see, the lady who was playing the pump organ had a little boy of a about 13 years old, who was pumping the organ at the back and when the man of God spoke about the lost in Africa, his heart was on fire.

That man was Dr David Livingstone who was instrumental in abolishing the horrific slave trade.

How much do you want God?

You see that is the thing.

A young man was coming home on a Sunday night.

He was tormented because he wanted to find The Lord and he couldn’t find The Lord, and there was a snow storm, and to get out of the snow storm he walked into a little primitive Wesleyan church.

He sat at the back of the church and a farm worker - I know a couple - was up there preaching the gospel in his simplistic way.

One verse out of the Bible, one single verse, Isaiah 45 verse 22: “Look to Me and be saved.”

It changed his life!

What was his name? Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the prince of preachers.

When he was 21 years old they built the London Tabernacle just for him.

It could seat 10,000 people.

Look to The Lord today and He will answer you.

Angus Buchan