We Serve A Faithful God

It is Tuesday morning, 29th September 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan with a thought for the day.

Faithful God! We serve a faithful God!

Oh my dear friends, one of my young sons in The Lord, sent me a beautiful video clip of that massive dam, just outside Cape Town, that services the whole of the community of Cape Town with water, and I just think of that scripture in Hebrews Chapter 10 and verse 23:

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”

And do you remember, it wasn’t even two years ago that we went down to Cape Town to pray for rain, and we went down to one of the poorest areas in South Africa, Mitchell’s Plain.

And we saw between 250 and 300 thousand people beseeching The Lord Jesus Christ, the Rainmaker, to bring rain to the city that had no water.

I remember going down before that and speaking to some students at Stellenbosch University and I was having a shower that evening that evening in a B & B that my son, Sias Le Roux had booked for me and there was a big bucket in the shower.

We had to catch the water from our shower to use for the toilet. There was no water in the city of Cape Town.

People were buying all the drinking water out of the shops.

It was a panic situation.

That massive dam looked like a dessert - and then I got this beautiful video clip sent to me a couple of days ago.

To see that dam overflowing, it looks like the Victoria Falls.

What a faithful God you and I serve!

Jeremiah Chapter 33 verse 3:

“Call to Me, and I will answer you,…” and we went to the “Flower of Cape Town”, Mitchell’s Plain.

I will never forget it as long as I live, one of the highlights of my preaching ministry, to see those wonderful people on their knees on the sand dunes in Mitchell’s Plain, asking God to send the rain and then it started raining.

Do you remember? And I don’t think it has stopped since then.

My young farmers, in the Western Cape area, say they are looking at the best crop they have had in many, many years.

God is a prayer answering Lord.

Today, pray - ask Him to help you, no matter what it is you are going through.

I want to tell you today that He is more real to me than you listening to this message.

God bless you and remember, He loves you so much that He gave His only begotten Son for you, so that you might have everlasting life.

A prayer-answering, miracle-working, Rainmaker. His name is Jesus!

Angus Buchan