The Lord Will Raise You Up
If we go to the Book of James, at the back of the Bible, James Chapter 5 verse 15:
“And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.”
I want to say to you today that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forevermore, according to the Book of Hebrews Chapter 13 and verse 8.
We are living in a time when this pandemic is bringing such fear through peoples’ hearts right around the globe, and we need to stand by faith.
We need to take God’s Word literally.
And when we pray, we don’t just pray.
God doesn’t just answer prayer. God answers the prayer of faith.
Now, you say to me, how do we get faith?
Well, Romans Chapter 10 and verse 17 says:
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”
My wife, Jill and I, both succumbed to this horrific thing called COVID 19, the Coronavirus, and we were in self-isolation for 67 days - not even our little grandchildren could come and visit us.
We were housebound.
But in that time, we spent a lot - a lot of time, reading God’s Word and praying and building our faith up.
People said to us, “How did you get through it.”
We said, “By the grace of God and by believing the Word of God.”
I want to say to you today, that you can get through this.
You can get through anything if you put your faith in The Lord Jesus Christ because He is alive and He is for us and He is not against us.
And He is indeed our healer.
What I want to do this time, I want to pray for those who are not feeling well today.
You might be physically, spiritually or mentally down.
I want to pray the prayer of faith as the Bible says very clearly, “Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him (the sick man) with oil in the name of the Lord.”
That is verse 14.
And we are believing God for a miracle in your life today.
Father God,
I pray for my dear friend today - that you would heal him, heal her.
Set them free by Your Holy Word which does not tell lies, so that they can be a living testimony to the power, the healing power of The Lord Jesus Christ.
So we say to you today in Jesus’ Name, be healed.
God bless you richly as you face the day!
And remember, if Christ is for you, there is no man that will stand against you.