It is Tuesday morning, 8th September 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.
If we look at the Book of Acts, Chapter 9 and verse 17:
“And Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
I want to speak to you today about ‘behind the scenes’ workers.
Ananias was an ordinary man.
We have never heard from him before that, and yet God selected him to go and lay his hands upon, possibly the greatest giant, apart from Jesus Himself, in the New Testament.
Paul wrote two-thirds of the New Testament.
Many folks, no-one ever hears from, or hears about, are used very, very powerfully by God.
Ananias was one of them.
He had the privilege of laying his hands on Paul, the apostle.
“Why?” you might ask. Why Ananias?
I believe simply because he obeyed what The Lord had told him.
What has The Lord told you today?
You might think, “I have such a mediocre job. Nobody knows about me and no-one even cares.
Do not be fooled by the devil my dear friend. God is using you behind the scenes.
There was a man by the name of Mordecai Ham.
How is that for a mouthful to get out?
And he was an evangelist and he used to work the backcountry towns of the USA.
He went to a town in North Carolina, Charlotte, and he preached the gospel to the country folk.
And one weekday, a young country boy went to one of his meetings.
This boy was a dairy farmer's son. His only dream was to become a professional baseball player but he became the greatest modern-day evangelist of all times.
He actually met nine US presidents. Who was he?
That’s right! His name was Billy Graham. His ministry spanned something like sixty years.
Mordecai Ham is basically unknown, but if it wasn’t for him, there wouldn’t be a Billy Graham.
And if there wasn’t an Ananias, there wouldn’t be an apostle, Paul.
Today, everything you do, do it as unto The Lord.
Who knows? You might be praying for the next evangelist of the world.
God bless you and have a wonderful day.