Take A Break
It is Sunday morning, 10th January 2021, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.
If we go to the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 6 and I am reading from verse 30:
“Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught. And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves.”
Take a break! There is such a swirl of activity we need to slow down. We need to find a secluded place today and just get a little rest. There is so much constant coming and going.
You know, the disciples didn’t even have time to eat, but they were so excited because of what was happening, but The Master took them aside to rest a while.
I remember hearing a story, a very sad story that took place in an unreached people group.
A young missionary, very, very passionate for Jesus - he had a tremendous heart for the lost - he went off to an unreached people group in the jungle and he built a church.
Then after the church, he built a hospital. Then after the hospital, he built a school.
This young man was working from sunrise to sunset, never taking a break. He worked 24/7, as they say.
Early one Sunday morning, the elders came out of the jungle. They were coming to church.
They were ringing the bell and all the people were all excited. They came to the church service.
The church was excited and packed with people, but there was no missionary.
They went to his little hut. The door was still tightly closed.
They knocked on the door. There was no answer.
Eventually, they broke the door down. They went in to find that the missionary had taken his life. He had committed suicide. He had literally worked himself to death.
They were very sad. They all quietly left, one by one, back into the jungle to their homes, and they put a big sign up on the front door of the church, “There is no God.”
I want to encourage you at this time of lockdown, when the Coronavirus is the only thing that people seem to be talking about.
Your next-door neighbour is sick, the other one has died, this one is sick. There is a time to pace ourselves.
We really need to get up in the morning and have good quiet times with The Lord, and He will give us the strength to do the work, strength for the strain.
It is a good day today. All the churches are closed by orders of the government.
It is a good time to sit in the garden, take that cup of coffee, open your Bible, and let The Lord Jesus Christ minister to you.
God bless you and have a wonderful Sunday.