Forever The Same

Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
— Hebrews 13:8

God never changes. Governments rise and governments fall. In the United States of America, they have a new government today and it is run by the Democratic Party. The Republican Party has been voted out but Jesus never changes.

There is a disease called Coronavirus - It has come upon us and it will leave us again but Jesus never changes. He remains faithful even when you and I are not faithful.

Do you know, early this morning when I got up, we have had some beautiful rain on the farm last night, early before the sun came up, I heard the dove singing to his Creator. He sings whether it is raining, whether its a flood, whether its a drought. Do you know why? He sings unconditionally because he knows that his Creator never changes.

If we look at Hebrews 10:23, this is what the Word of God says to you and me today: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” If there is one thing I have learned through years and years of working the soil, it is that God is faithful. There have been times that I have got up and there has been dust, no rain.

The crops are failing and I am saying, “Lord, what is happening?”

And then I wake up on a new day, and there is gentle rain falling on the farm, and the crop grows.

There have been other times when there have been floods on this farm when there is just water running everywhere, and I am saying, “Lord, will we ever get a crop this year?” He must shake His Head sometimes and say, “That farmer, Angus, when is he going to learn that I never change, that I am the same yesterday, today and forevermore?” Hebrews 13:8.

Today, don’t concentrate on what government is in power. Don’t concentrate on whether there is going to be another wave of Coronavirus. Concentrate on the Faithful One and keep on working. Keep on keeping on, for Jesus. He will see you through to the finish line.

Remember, this is not our permanent home. We are going home to be with Jesus one of these fine days but in the meantime, let us enjoy today and let us be strong on behalf of those whose hearts are down at the moment.

Let us pray for one another and let us remember that Jesus Christ never fails.

God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan