Open Your Mouth
The Lord says: “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.”
Psalm 81:10
You know, as a young man I was very shy. I couldn’t speak to more than two people at one time and if I saw a girl, I would run a mile! But I want to be honest with you - it is time for you and me to start to speak up. We really need to tell this dying world that there is hope in Jesus Christ. We cannot sit back and keep quiet - We have got to be outspoken.
The battle is at its peak now - the devil is trying everything he can to bring fear into this world. The only way we can counter that fear is by faith in Jesus Christ.
You know, I remember it like yesterday when The Lord spoke to me, almost audibly, with this very scripture - Acts 18:9. I was reluctant and The Lord says: “speak, do not be afraid or keep silent because I am with you!” We need to speak up today. Okay? It is the power of the tongue that is needed... but we need to speak life.
We need to get rid of self - It is not about us anymore, it is all about Jesus.
Remember, people don’t have to like you but, they must respect you. People are phoning us and writing to us now saying, “What must we do to be saved?” We have never had that before - this is our time. I remember that Romany Gypsy, his name was Rodney Smith, who lived many, many years ago. He lived in one of those painted wagons that are pulled by horses and he used to preach in open areas.
He would preach to people, up to 10,000 people at a time. This man had no education, no training and had never been to Bible College. When he got saved he bought a Bible and a dictionary and he taught himself to read and write. But, people were drawn to him, just like bees to a honeypot.
“Why?” you might say... Well, because he met the Man from Galilee and Jesus changed his life. One day he was preaching, off the back of that painted wagon, and at the end of the service a man walked up, he was so forlorn, he was so downcast.
He said, “I am a preacher.”
He said, “I have preached everything from Genesis to Revelation, and I don’t know what to preach anymore. I am so tired, I am so worn out.
And you know what 'Gipsy’ Smith said?
He said to the preacher: “Just keep telling them what Jesus means to you.”
That is right! One hungry beggar showing another hungry beggar where to find bread!
Go out today my dear friend and tell people what Jesus means to you. That is what preaching is all about.
Have a wonderful day and God bless you!