Unsung Heroes

...when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.
— Timothy 1:5

I want to speak to you this morning about the unsung heroes - Yes, the silent workers who are bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a fallen world. If we think of Lois, now be honest with me, did you ever know who Lois was, did you know who Eunice was? That is right - the grandmother and the mother of Timothy. Timothy was the right-hand man of possibly the greatest apostle who ever lived, next to Jesus.

Never underestimate how God is using you. I want to ask you another question: Do you know who Mordecai Ham was? That is a mouthful, isn’t it? Well, he was the country evangelist who led a 16-year-old dairy farmer’s son, who wanted to become a professional baseball player, to Jesus. That is right - He led Dr Billy Graham, probably the greatest of all modern evangelists to Christ.

Do you know who Robert Moffatt was? Robert Moffat, yes!

He started the Kuruman Mission on the western side of our country, South Africa. But even more so, he went all the way to Scotland to find missionaries to come to Africa. He was led to speak to a group of old ladies on a mid-week evening and he thought to himself, “Where am I going to find the giants that are going to bring the Gospel to Africa.” But, there was a young boy and he was pumping the organ, they had to pump the organ in those days, while the lady was playing music and what was his name - Dr David Livingstone!

Don’t underestimate how God uses ordinary people.

Jill and I got home late last night - We had taken a couple of days off. We had gone to the game reserve. We were driving through a back road, through the bush when we saw this gigantic white cross sticking out of the bush, I felt the Holy Spirit say: “Take a turn and go in there.”

Well, this road was so rough I thought I had lost my way and then I came to a Bible College called “Back to the Bible Mission.” There are 22 nations of Africa represented there, there were something like a hundred students learning the Word of God and then they are going back into Africa to spread the Good News to a dying continent. I want to tell you that the dark continent is not the dark continent anymore - It is the continent of light. And I want to tell you that people are talking about Jesus Christ everywhere I go.

Please, never, never underestimate what God can do through ordinary people. There is a young student that they pointed out to me, a young man from Tanzania. He prays for me and Jill every single day of his life - I have never met him before and the love of Christ was shining out of his heart.

God bless you as you continue to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Angus Buchan