The Name Above All

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
Peter answered and said to Him, “You are the Christ.”
Who do we say that He is?
— Mark 8:29

Some say that He was a good man. Others even go so far as to say that He was a miracle-worker - But who do we say that Jesus is? Have you noticed that when you refer to Him as God, everyone is happy because that title is not offensive to anyone? God, after all, is whoever you believe him to be - If you worship the trees, that is your god... If you worship some other faith, that is your god.

But when you mention The Name that is above every other name, the Name of Jesus, then you get an instant reaction - an explosive response actually, either positive or negative. The martyrs in the early church were burnt at the stake; they were fed to ravenous lions; they were butchered and mocked openly in front of large crowds.
“Why?”, we might ask.
Simply because they said, “Jesus is Lord.”
You see, the devil hates that name more than anyone else. Why?

Because there is power in the Name of Jesus! Jesus is The Healer, Jesus is The Deliverer, Jesus is The Soon-coming King. Jesus is The Saviour of the World!

You know that just yesterday a man came to me and he said to me, I could see he was very distressed, he said: “My son Rodney, who lives in Brisbane, Australia, (an eight-hour difference from us here in South Africa), has just been rushed to hospital - He is in extreme pain, he has a terrible headache and pressure behind his eyes. He is vomiting and they have put him in ICU.

His wife texted his dad: “Please pray for him.” This man came to me, he said, “Please Angus, we need to pray, the doctors are very, very concerned!” His father and I prayed, in the Name of Jesus, The Healer, and do you know something... That afternoon he came back to see me. His face was radiant, he came with his wife to tell Jill and me, that his son is totally, completely healed!

We worked back the time, he was healed at that very moment that we prayed in the Name of Jesus - eight hours difference. I want to say to you today, his dad said he is sitting at home, watching TV with his little son, having a cup of tea and eating a hot-cross bun!

Call out to the Name of Jesus today and He will save you, He will heal you and He will deliver you.
God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan