His Angels
“For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve, saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you.’”
Remember, Paul was in the middle of one almighty storm at sea and it looked like the boat was going to sink. God sent His angel to remind Paul not to be afraid. God sends His angels down from Heaven to assist His people, especially when they are in trouble.
If we just look at the life of Jesus from the time that He was born in that little manger in Bethlehem, Israel 2000 years ago, the angels were rejoicing around the Master. Again when Jesus went into the desert to fast and pray for 40 days and 40 nights without food or water, the angels ministered to Him. In the Garden of Gethsemane, as we approach Easter, we are thinking of that time, aren’t we - When the disciples couldn’t keep awake, the angels were with Him. On the cross, they were with Him and in the tomb, they were there as well... And of course, they accompanied Him on His way home back to Heaven.
It doesn’t matter if we are flying in a supersonic jet the angels are with us. It doesn’t matter if we are in the dirtiest, most terrible situation and dangerous place - the angels are there. They can carry any load, no matter how heavy it might be. Those bright and loving spirits are with God’s children always. God sends them to protect us.
You know I remember like it was yesterday, in 1990 the first-ever campaign I held in a little town called Ladysmith - We had booked the town hall, it was ten minutes to seven, the first night on a Tuesday...
I was down in the cellar and I was praying. I was sweating and I was hoping that somebody would come. The band was on the stage, they were playing. My brother-in-law was leading them and I went and peeped through the door, I climbed up those stairs and the hall was empty - There wasn’t a soul in the hall. I went back down into the cellar and I started crying, I really did!
I said: “Lord, You told me to do this and there is nobody here.”
Well, I decided, “I am going to go up Lord and I am going to preach at 7’o clock, even if there are just the chairs there, I will preach to the chairs. Well, I went up at 7 o’clock and the hall was half-full. I firmly believe the Lord sent His angels to fill those chairs. It was amazing. By Friday night the place was packed-out. There were signs and wonders and miracles taking place.
And on Saturday night, just the cherry on the top, we had the privilege of speaking at the massive army barracks in Ladysmith and we saw a thousand soldiers standing for Christ. I believe the angels were clapping that night.
Don’t be afraid, don’t be scared, don’t be lonely today. Remember, God has sent His angels to protect you.
God bless you and have a wonderful day.