His Conduit

Jesus says,” If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”
— John 15:7

If we just go back to verse 5, Jesus says,” I am the vine and you are the branches.” I want to say to you that a vine cannot produce fruit - No!

A vine needs the branches for the fruit to be produced, the Lord says if we abide in Him and His words abide in us, His direction abides in us, then what we desire shall be done for us.

We must, on the one hand, be open to receive from the vine, Jesus, and be free and open, on the other hand, to release what God has given us to men, women and children. So as Jesus pours His love into us, Him being the vine and we being the branches, we, in turn, pour out that same love, gentleness, peace and patience into hurting and destitute people, who are in this dying world.

So today let you and I do something for someone else that will maybe cost us a little bit, to make another person’s burden lighter. Maybe just a smile or a wave. Maybe a touch, a phone call... what about an email that will change a person's life forever?

I remember, years ago, preaching in a large auditorium, an indoor stadium overseas. The meeting was packed out and there was a wonderful program but it was very long... There were a lot of singers, there were testimonies, then I was supposed to be the main speaker. By the time the MC was going to call me up, I could see it was late - the people were restless and I just felt that the time was up so I decided in my heart I wasn’t going to go up there. I was going to tell the MC thank you very much but I don’t think that you need me now.

You know, just before I was going to tell him, while the last song was being sung and before he was going to call me up, a man from two rows back walked up to me. It was one of my spiritual sons, he had flown all the way from England to this venue that was in America - he put his hand on my shoulder and he whispered in my ear: "Get up there and give it to them!" I knew it was God speaking to me through that man... Anyway, they called me up and I got stuck in and we had the most incredible response to the gospel. People getting saved and healed and it was because that man was listening to the Lord, he was the conduit - he was the vessel that God used to speak into my life that day.

Go out today and just do whatever He tells you to do.
God bless you.

Angus Buchan