Miracle Worker

Go into the village opposite you, and as you enter you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Loose it and bring it here.
— Luke 19:30

Jesus is the absolute miracle worker. We think of Him often don’t we? Walking on top of the water. No one has ever done that before and ever will do it because He is God. We think of Him turning water into wine. We think of Him raising a dead man, who had been dead for four days, from the tomb.

But there are many other miracles that our precious Lord performs daily that we do not even take note of! One of them was taking the property of a stranger, a colt, a young stallion, a donkey that had never been ridden before, then riding that donkey amongst a huge cheering rowdy crowd and the young animal being perfectly calm and well-behaved. You know, on Shalom Farm we train young horses and I want to tell you it is not an easy thing to do - that is for sure. They can be extremely 'flighty' and extremely nervous, especially when it comes to putting on a saddle... Yet the disciples threw their clothes onto the back of the colt and set Jesus on it. (Luke 19:35)

Do you know that every donkey has a cross on its back - That’s right! From the neck, right down to the tail and across the shoulders, have a look next time. Did you know that a donkey can be quite obstinate and otherwise? Quite stubborn in fact, refusing to change - yet Jesus rode that donkey. Oh folks, what a Lord we serve!

I remember many years ago an old gentleman by the name of Oom Johannes Nel - He used to come out to the farm and would get into the truck with me and we would go down into the villages. We would pick up seasonal workers to come and work on the farm. Often we would be driving down the road and there would be donkeys standing on the side of the road. Every time we passed the donkeys Oom Johannes would tip his hat, taking his hat off as a sign of respect for the little animal, I would ask him: “Oom Johannes, why do you do that?” And tears would fill his eyes and he would answer, “Because he carried the Lord Jesus on his back.”

Let's go out and do the same today,
God bless you, have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan