Cast Your Cares...

Cast your cares upon me because I care for you.
— 1 Peter 5:7

We want to speak about affliction, poverty and about broken relationships - You and I cannot carry them on our own. Jesus knows... He knows the pain and the suffering that we are going through at the moment, He has been there Himself. So how do you and I deal with such painful and delicate matters, especially broken relationships?

"Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." Psalm 37:5

Have we forgotten the main reason that Jesus came down from Heaven to earth? It was for the very purpose of helping you and I carry our burdens.

You know, without a doubt, I believe that King David’s greatest burden and challenge in his life was when his very own son, whom he loved so much, betrayed him - Absalom... and tried to murder him. David had to flee in the middle of the night, barefoot through the Kidron valley. You know that is where the sewerage went from Jerusalem in those days. He had to flee for his very life but God was with David, his anointed one, and God saved him.

I remember a story that has stuck in my mind for many, many years: I was preaching in a church in a nearby city and we had prayed for the salvation of souls. We then prayed for people who were sick and an old couple came to the front, I will never forget it.

The dearest old couple, he had his tweed jacket on, a red-faced man with his deer-stalker on. His old wife had those round glasses, her rosy cheeks shining and they were holding each other’s hands but they looked so sad. And when they came to the front, I said, “What can I pray for?”

And they said, “Angus, there is somebody on our farm who has betrayed us and is stealing our money.” I said, “Well, who could it be?” And then the tears welled up in their eyes, they said: "Our very own son is stealing from us..." and I had to pray for them for strength that night.

God redeems His own always. God will never betray His own. He will never forget us. In Isaiah 49:15, the Lord says:

“Can a woman forget her nursing child,
And not have compassion on the son of her womb?
Surely they may forget,
Yet I will not forget you.”
The Lord will never forget you!

So today, cast your cares upon Him and He will bring it to pass.
God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan