Something Sweet

Out of the eater came something to eat,
And out of the strong came something sweet.
— Judges 14:14

That was a riddle that Samson put forward to the men and said: "if you can explain this riddle within seven days then I will give you thirty linen garments."

What is a riddle?
Well, a riddle according to the Oxford Dictionary is a question or statement, phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning - and that is exactly what Samson posed.

Now what had happened was Samson was walking down the road and a young lion came out to attack him. He killed the lion with his bare hands. Remember, Samson was the strongest man who had ever lived. He came back a while later and a swarm of bees had gone into the carcass of the lion. He put his hand in there and took out some sweet honey and he was eating the honey on the way home. So that was the riddle - Out of strength comes forth sweetness.

Now I want to tell you a most incredible miracle that has taken place. Do you remember the wonderful, incredible prayer meeting that took place in 2017? It took six weeks to organize and over a million people came to Bloemfontein, South Africa to pray for the nation. Remember the scripture, Isaiah 66:8:

“Can a nation be born in a day?”

Well, we saw it with our own eyes didn’t we - That was the 22nd of April, (2017) in literally three days. Folks I want to tell you what has happened...

In 2 Corinthians 6:9, Paul said: “As dying, and behold we live”.

That sounds like a riddle, doesn’t it? We are dying but we live, what does that mean? I want to tell you - on that hill just outside Bloemfontein, where that incredible meeting took place, three gigantic crosses were put up by men, who choose to remain anonymous because their reward is still coming in Heaven. Inside one of those crosses, bees have made a hive. Beekeepers have taken no less than 16 kilos of honey out of the cross.

Remember, out of death comes life, out of pain comes forth, sweetness. I just want to say thank you Lord Jesus for dying for a sinner like me and sinners like us.

Remember, He loves you. And as you would look at the cross, hope, love, life and sweetness will emanate.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan