Firm & Steadfast

I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
— Psalm 121:1-2

Just the other day my dear wife Jill and I drove up to the mighty majestic Drakensberg Mountains, about an hour and a half drive, west from our farm, Shalom. There is so much uncertainty in the world today with COVID-19 and the possibility of a third wave:

Do we take the vaccination or don’t we?
The wearing of masks, being seated a metre apart... When will the travel ban be lifted and when will we be able to see our loved ones again? Most unsettling!

As we drove closer to the mountains they became larger and much more imposing, truly majestic. Solid, like a mighty fortress, like nothing has changed for years and years. It brought such a sense of security upon our souls and reminded us once again, that our beloved Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Hebrews 13:8.

I remember, like yesterday, when I was a younger man I would drive up to those mountains and I would fast, pray and seek direction from the Lord. I remember very clearly one day walking up the footpaths of those enormous mountains - I was wearing a pair of shorts, running shoes, a vest and a small rucksack with my Bible and my bottle of water... It was extremely hot. Then in the afternoon, like normally happens in summer, a huge thunderstorm broke. Lightning, thunder and torrents of rain bucketing down while I was bone dry, sitting on a rock and watching this incredible storm pass beneath me. After an hour or so the sun came out, the clouds parted and I walked back down to the campsite. People were looking - They were in their raincoats wondering where I had come from. I had been with the Lord. I had been in the mountain, I had been in the cleft of the rock.

That is where you and I need to start spending more time, not necessarily on the physical mountain but the spiritual mountain, spending time every morning waiting on the Lord. He will bring a sense of security and sanity to you... These things will pass away, just like that thunderstorm but Jesus Christ remains firm and steadfast.

Have a wonderful day.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan