Look Ahead

And Joab (he was King David’s general) was told, “Behold the king (that is David) is weeping and mourning for Absalom. So the victory that day was turned into mourning for all the people. For the people heard it and said that day, “The king is grieved for his son.”
— 2 Samuel:19:1-2

I want to say to you there is no future in the past, you and I have to move along.

Remember, Absalom was killed by David’s army who were protecting him because Absalom was trying to kill his father. When David got the news that his son had been killed he was deeply grieved, he shouted out: "My son, my son, Absalom." The very people who had protected David went going into mourning as well, it took the general, Joab, to come to the king and say: “How long is this going to go on? The very people who have protected you, you are ignoring and the one who tried to kill you, you are mourning for... Then, of course, David realized his mistake.

You see, you can’t plough a straight line if you keep looking back. Ask anybody who knows how to plough a field. Luke 9:62 is one of my favourite verses:

“But Jesus said to him, "No one, having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

Now, I don’t know what it is that is bothering you this morning. It might be a family problem - Maybe there is somebody in your family who is causing you heartache and it is consuming you and your family is suffering because of it. Maybe it is a business problem - Maybe you have a business partner who is giving you so much trouble, it is upsetting you. You can’t see straight and it is affecting everybody. It has got to stop today. Remember, there is no future in the past, you can’t keep looking back.

Maybe you have got a health challenge in your own life. Well you know, sometimes the best thing to do is to put it aside. Kathryn Kuhlman was a woman who was used by God tremendously in the area of faith healing. She would often say: "If you are feeling sick, go and find somebody else who is sicker than you and pray for them and you will feel a lot better." That is taking your eyes off yourself. You see, this life is not just about ourselves. We owe it to so many others, our family, loved ones - even the nation. David’s mourning was affecting the whole nation of Israel.

Now today, let us dust off all that pain and suffering. Let's go and have a good shower. Let's get cleaned up, get dressed up and look ahead - God has got a wonderful plan for the rest of your life!

God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan