
Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.
— 2 Corinthians 5:20

You and I have been not been called to preach division but rather to bring reconciliation between man and Jesus. An ambassador is a diplomat sent by a state as a permanent representative in a foreign country - that is you and me.

We are not called to be troublemakers but rather peacemakers:

“Blessed are the peacemakers,
For they shall be called sons of God.”
Matthew 5:9

We carry the message of Christ to the world, tenderly pleading with them to come back to Jesus. You and I are Christ’s representatives, telling people to become friends with God because He is already our Friend.

Now, we are not talking about peace-lovers - a peace-lover will compromise, they will do anything for peace. Okay?

Just think about it in the home... Okay just let them do it, keep them quiet. No, we are called to be peacemakers and peacemakers speak the truth in love. Always be prepared to turn the other cheek and go the extra mile. Jesus knows how hard that is. We are not here to chase folk away but rather to give them what we have found, what is that? That is love!

I remember being asked to speak in Jerusalem at a very prestigious conference but I was given a list before I left South Africa. On that list, I was told about certain things I was not allowed to speak about because there were many Orthodox Jews there and the Jews have been persecuted for so long, by people who say they are Christians... going way back in history. So I got up on that platform, and you know what Jesus means to me... My friend Tommy said to me: “Angus, I don’t know how you are going to do this because you can’t help but speak about the Name of Jesus”.

Well, I want to tell you the love of Christ overwhelmed me. I saw these beautiful people sitting there and I thought, “Lord, you died for these people.” And I started to share my heart and told them how Jesus saved a wretch like me. Then right at the end of the meeting, we prayed for them and saw an incredible response. I remember walking down from the platform and a huge red-haired Jewish man walked up to me. Apparently, he was a former mayor of Jerusalem - I didn’t know if he was going to punch me or what he was going to do. He put his arms around me and he squeezed me and he loved me and he said: “Tonight touched me deeply.”

I want to tell you we have an obligation to tell this dying world about a Living Saviour.
Have a good day today. Go out and bless somebody - be God’s ambassador.

Angus Buchan