The Marriage Feast
“Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.””
This is a parable that the Lord spoke about - Remember, the marriage was organized by the king for his son. He sent his servants into the highways and the by-ways to invite the 'whosoevers' because the honoured guests did not pitch up... They were too busy with their business.
Jesus is no respecter of men, that is why I love Him so much. I want to be honest with you, my favourite place to preach the gospel is not in a church. No, it is at a businessman’s breakfast, at a group of farmers, some sportsmen or maybe at a school presentation - that is where I enjoy telling people about the marriage feast.
You see, anyone who will answer the call, Jesus will never turn away. He will never turn away, not even the good or the bad. Romans 10:13 says:
“For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
I remember being asked to go down to Durban to a very prestigious hotel and speak to the Blue Bulls Rugby Team who had arrived from Pretoria the night before the Cup Final. I walked into that lounge and I felt like an absolute dwarf - Those men are huge! But you know, behind those big frames were some young schoolboys, they had just left school. They were incredible sportsmen... You could see how nervous they were.
The next day they were going to play in front of the nation and possibly be selected to play for the national side. They were very tense and I was able to tell them about the marriage feast and make the invitation. It touched my heart deeply to see those huge men bowing their heads and praying the sinners' prayer. A few years later I was asked to go down again, this time to the Shark Tank, to speak to the Sharks Team who were in the final that year. They were going to play the next afternoon on that huge field.
I walked into the change rooms and I could smell that smell of linament - Deep Heat. The young men were putting on their rugby boots, putting on their jerseys. They were about to have the last practice before the final the next day. I will never forget, speaking to them again about the marriage feast and making the invitation, those big strong men all bowed the knee. These boys got on their knees and I remember looking at the size of their backs. They were about a metre across, strong men bowing the knee and every one of them accepting the invitation.
The strange thing is that the Bulls lost their final and a few years later, the Sharks lost their final - The strange thing is I have never been invited back again, to pray for a team in the final ever since!
So go out today and tell people, invite them to the marriage feast.
God bless you.