Humble People

You will save the humble people; But Your eyes are on the haughty, that You may bring them down.
— 2 Samuel 22:28

God saves humble people but He brings down the proud and the arrogant. I looked up the Oxford Dictionary to find out the meaning of the word, Humility: It is having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance.

“Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face
of the earth.” - Numbers 12:3

Another definition of humility is controlled strength. Moses was not a weak man by any means. He took a nation of people, a grumbling nation, through the wilderness for forty years - There is no weak man who could do that.

I heard a story once about the heavyweight boxing champion of the whole world, Muhammed Ali. He was flying in an aeroplane, in business class, and the plane got into a little bit of turbulence. There was a message from the pilot to say: “Can everybody please buckle up,” a petite little air hostess was walking down the aisle checking that everyone had buckled up. She came to Muhammed Ali and he wasn’t buckled up, she said, “Please Sir, can you buckle up.” He says, “Superman - he don’t buckle up!” And she looked at him with that little face of hers and said: “But Supermen don’t fly in aeroplanes - Please buckle up!”

But folks... the humblest Man who ever lived on earth was our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

“After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.”
John 13:5

Go out today and bless somebody by your humble appearance and love them - That’s all they want, they just want to be loved.

God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan