Listen to Holy Spirit
“But Jesus came and touched them and said, "Arise, and do not be afraid."
Matthew 17:7
And then we go to Mark 5:28:
“For she said, "If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well."
That was the woman who had the issue of blood... “If I can just touch the hem of His garment, I will be made well.” - And she was. I want to say to you today, it is so important to touch people, that is right - That was what Mother Theresa did. She touched people, that is all she did. She didn’t even preach, she just touched them with the love of Jesus and changed their lives.
I remember very clearly, many years ago when we had the 5000-seater tent on the farm, not the big one. I was walking on a Sunday morning, down the sawdust trail up to the platform to start preaching. As I was walking down the aisle, there were many men in that place, I felt the Holy Spirit say to me, “This man you are walking past, touch him on the shoulder and whisper in his ear that Jesus loves him.” So I did it.
I touched him on the shoulder and I whispered in his ear, “Jesus loves you!” I carried on walking up to the pulpit to preach the message. At the end of the meeting many men came forward to give their lives to Christ, but you know about two or three weeks later I got an email... It came from that very man. He said, “I was there that weekend. The music was wonderful. The preaching was good but nothing touched my heart until you walked past me and you touched me on the shoulder and told me that Jesus loved me. My life is transformed, I am now following Jesus Christ.” We need to be obedient to what the Holy Spirit is telling us.
I got the most beautiful message just the other day. The young man who is going to be my grandson, that’s right - He has just asked my oldest granddaughter to be his wife, that man’s father sent me a WhatsApp. He said: “Twenty-three years ago you were preaching the Gospel in Zimbabwe, in the town of Gweru. You walked up to a pram and there was a baby in a pram, you touched him and you prayed over him. That is the man who is going to marry your granddaughter!”
Oh folks, what a mighty God we serve. Go out today and touch somebody and tell them that Jesus loves them.
God bless you and have a wonderful day!