God’s Way
“and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.”
2 Chronicles 26:5
That was King Uzziah. He was a wise man.
Probably every one of you knows this scripture off by heart:
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these (other) things shall be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33
That is a very simple and straightforward statement and yet so many times we just do not seem to get it. We get many letters in the office, asking:
“Why has God done this to me?”
“Why have I never got any money?”
“Why are my children so rebellious?”
“Why has my husband run off with another woman?” and
“Why is God punishing me?”
You know, I heard that little joke the other day: The devil is sitting down on the curbside of the street, with his red outfit on and he is holding his three-pronged fork crying his eyes out. And the angel came to him and said, “Why are you crying?” He said, “I get the blame for everything that is going wrong around here!”
Folks, it is not always the devil... We must be honest with ourselves.
Some of us are too lazy to seek the Lord’s will for our lives. We seek God’s council from every Tom, Dick and Harry who just happens to be around - That is dangerous. We have got to seek the Lord.
I spoke to a progressive young farmer the other day, he told me he is tired of all these new programmes that the reps are trying to push down his throat... these new methods of farming - bigger and better and quicker. He says the problem is a lot of these programmes are not sustainable, they don’t last. We have got to start getting back to basics, we have got to start doing things God’s way. As a farmer, that is why I have got a sign on the front of my Bible - I call it my Agricultural Manual. God made it for us and He wants us to use it. And that is not just agriculture!
That is your domestic life, your principles... it is about paying income tax, it's about not overtaxing people, it's about going out with that young man until you really get to know him before you accept his hand in marriage. These are not just 'thumb-sucks', as they say, these are godly principles.
So we have got to start seeking God’s way. Stop being greedy. We have got to start taking time to make decisions. We have to start putting back into the soil, not just taking out of the soil and then God starts to prosper us.
Have a wonderful day today as you start doing things God’s way.
God bless you.