Wide Open

It is Friday morning, 17th December, the year 2021, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“…for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist.”

Luke 21:15

And then in Psalm 81:10, the Lord says:

“Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.”

And the last one, John 15:7:

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”

If the word of God abides in us then we shall speak correctly and we will have all the answers that we need. When preaching the Gospel, we need to spend more time with God and less time trying to prepare a fancy sermon. You know, the old masters, the men of God who started mighty revivals that the Lord did through them... They used what we call, extempore preaching. I looked it up in the dictionary and it means: On the spur of the moment.

I always say to the young men, you must always have a sermon in your top pocket. You know, I preach mostly outdoors, that is why I wear a hat. And often I will stand on the platform and put my Bible and my sermon notes on the pulpit and the wind will come up, blow those notes away all over the place. I don’t know how many times that has happened. Then it is Jesus, the Bible and me... And I tell you what, that is why it is a winner!

I remember an incident that took place many, many years ago in the Eastern Cape. I was speaking at a men's breakfast, I love speaking at men's breakfasts, and I was sharing my heart and I was laying it down like I always do. After the event, I went back to the farmer where I was staying and he said, ”Angus, a man is coming to see you.” I said, “Oh, that’s wonderful.” He said, “No, he is very angry with you!”
I said, “Oh dear, is he a big man?”
“He is a very big farmer and he is coming with his son.”
So I thought, “Well Lord, here we go.”

Well, I tell you what, he arrived at the farm and he was very big and he was very angry! He walked in and I said, “How are you?” He didn’t speak too much and the farmer I was staying with left us in the lounge. I sat down and I said, “What can I help you with?” He just burst out weeping. He said, “Why were you speaking about me this morning in front of all the other people, I was so embarrassed.”

I said, “Sir, I have never met you in my life before. I have never even seen you before.” I had been telling them, “You see, you have got to hand your farm over to your sons. You have got to give them the cheque book, you have got to give them the debt - you have got to give them everything.”

And he said, "What I have done is, I have built a huge dam and there is no water in the dam. The bank is foreclosing on me and they are going to take my dairy herd away. And my son here (he was crying as well), he has just come back from overseas to take over the farm and he has got nothing.”

Well, we prayed together, and I tell you what folks, a while later I got a response that we had eight inches of rain in that area. The dam was almost full, to capacity. The bank gave him extra credit and his son was farming. Just open your mouth wide and God will fill it!

Have a wonderful day.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan