From the Heart

It is Thursday morning, 16th December and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.” Mark 12:43-44

Jesus is sitting in the temple with the disciples. He sees the rich people coming up and showing everybody how much gold and silver they were putting into the treasury. Then this old widow comes up, probably in rags, and she takes out her two little brass mites and puts them in. Then Jesus says, “She has given more than those other people.” And the disciples say, “How come?” Jesus says: “Because she gave out of her substance and they gave from their overflow.”

It's not how much you put in that counts but it is with the right heart that counts. I have got some beautiful pictures that I will treasure for the rest of my life, sent to me in the post by little children - Pictures of my horse, Snowy, and me standing next to Snowy. They mean more to me than if you sent me a painting from Rembrandt Van Rijn, which is worth a hundred million US Dollars because they came from the heart.

Now today, you might be in a hospital, you might be in jail serving your sentence. You might be in an old age home, you might be bankrupt or you might be unemployed and you say, “I have got no gifts for my loved ones because I have no money.” I want to suggest to you to write a letter, that’s right! A hand-written letter with loads of love. A personal letter, spelling mistakes and all! You see, it is so easy to send a text, a voice mail or an email - It is so easy but rather write a letter.

They tell me, I think it was Picasso that famous artist - it might have been some other famous artist, was having a meal in a restaurant with his friend. At the end of the meal, they stood up to leave. The waiter came with the bill and he realised that he didn’t have any money, so he said to the waiter, “Can you bring me a new napkin, a new serviette, and a pen?” And he sat there and he drew a quick picture, and he gave it to the waiter and he said, “Is that enough?” And the waiter said, “That is fine.” That picture, you cannot buy it today - There is not enough money to buy that picture.

Write a letter today and you will bless somebody and that will be more than sufficient because it comes from the heart.

Have a wonderful day!
Jesus bless you.

Angus Buchan