Be Focused

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 10th of September, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

We start in the Book of Lamentations 4:4. The NKJV version says:

The young children ask for bread, But no one breaks it for them.”

The Amplified version says:

” …The little ones ask for food but no one gives it to them.”

Very, very sad scripture and so true - so many hungry children in our midst. Then we go to Matthew 14:14:

And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.”

Now folks, remember John The Baptist had just been beheaded. The message came through to His cousin, our Lord Jesus Christ. He must have been absolutely devastated, and the Bible tells us that He went off by himself to a deserted place, obviously to mourn the death of the man of God, and yet the multitudes followed after Jesus on foot. They would not leave Him alone but He put His personal feelings aside and He went out and He healed all of them. You and I need to keep focused on what God has called us to do.

I can hear a person say, I’m in an old age home, what can I do? Oh, you can pray because there is power in prayer. You might be a businessman, you say, ”I can’t get on the platform, I’ve got too much work to do in my business.” Well, you can support the Gospel by the gift that God has given to you, in generating income. There’s always something that we can do.

Remember the story, I’ve told it to you before about the little boy walking along the sea shore and a great wave came in and thousands of little starfish were stranded on the sea shore and this little boy walked along, probably five, six years old, and started picking up the starfish and throwing them back into the sea and a big man came up behind him and he said, ”Little boy, what are you doing? He said, “I am saving the starfish, sir.” And the man said, “Son, you will never ever be able to throw these hundreds of thousands of starfish back into the sea before they die.” He said, “No, sir” but he picked up a starfish (it makes me want to cry) and he threw it in and said, “but I saved that one!” And he picked up another one and he threw it into the sea and he said, “And I saved that one too!”

Folks, we need to do what we can while there is still time left for the lost in this world. They need to hear the Gospel.

Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan