Quiet Time

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 11th of September, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

I want to speak to you this morning about quiet time, spending time alone every morning with Jesus. We go to Exodus 33:14:

“My Presence will go with you…”

Isn’t that a beautiful assurance? Then Hebrews 13:5, where the Lord says:

I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

I want to ask you, are you having a regular quiet time every day? “No.” you say,” I’m too busy at the moment.” And how are things going with you? “No. They’re not going well.” Exactly! We need to put Jesus Christ first every morning before we go to work. It doesn’t matter how busy we are. They asked Martin Luther, the great revivalist, “What do you do when you get busier in the morning?” He said: ”I get up earlier and I have my quiet time.”  We cannot go into the world without having our quiet time.

F P Meyer was a wonderful man of God, a preacher and I picked up this reading that he had written. It goes like this: 

“We should never leave our prayer closets in the morning without having focussed our thoughts, deeply and intensely, on the fact of the actual presence of God there with us, encompassing us and filling the room as literally as it fills heaven itself. It may not lead to any distinct results at first, but as we make repeated efforts to realise the presence of God, it will become increasingly real to us, and as the habit grows upon us, when alone in a room, or when treading the lawn of some natural woodland, temple or when pacing the stony street, in the silence of night, or even amid the teeming crowds of daylight, we shall often find ourselves whispering the words, “You are near. You are here, oh Lord. Amen.”

What a beautiful reading. Today, give Him the first fruits before you go out of your closet. 

Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan