
A very good morning to you! It is Tuesday morning, the last day of May, the 31st, 2022. And this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

If we go straight to the Book of Acts, the Lord says:

“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Acts 2:21

A beautiful scripture for sinners like you and me... Then straight to Romans 10:13, you know what, it says exactly the same thing - whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Whoever means anybody. That’s right! Billy Bray was one of those who called upon the name of the Lord. Billy Bray was a self-confessed drunkard. He was a tin miner from the South of England, from Cornwall. He could not pass a pub or a bar without going in and getting drunk, spending all his hard-earned pay on alcohol. His wife used to despair, she had no money to feed her children, no money to run the house. Then Billy Bray met Jesus and his life was instantly transformed - for the first time ever, he brought home a full pay packet of money... And he never, ever touched a drop of alcohol again. He was known in the district and in the town as such a happy and joyful man. He would go singing and sometimes even dancing down the streets, that’s right! He built chapels all over the district and the countryside himself. He took orphans in to his home. He gave people money, he had no money himself, he was very poor but he was so full of the joy of the Lord because God called him home.

I want to say to you today that if you are in a state... You know, the Lord spoke to me once, so clearly, I will never forget it! He spoke to me out of the Book of Revelation, He says:

“You have forsaken your first love.”

Revelation 2:4

Maybe you have done that today. It is no good saying, “In 1965, I gave my life to Christ.” - Are you full of the joy of the Lord today? Is Jesus as real to you as He was when you gave your life to Christ?

I remember at an MMC on the farm, a biker arrived on a big expensive Harley Davidson motorbike... only rich people can afford those! He slept in a one man tent all by himself. He got up early in the morning, took out a brand-new bottle of Chivas Regal imported Scotch Whisky, cracked the top to have a drink... He was obviously an alcoholic. Four young men walked passed, one was wearing a wooden cross around his neck. They came up to him and said, “Sir, you don’t need that stuff.” He poured it into the dirt and started to weep, they gathered around him and prayed for him and he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Remember, today could be the best day of the rest of your life.
Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan