Job's Comforter

And a very good morning to you! It is Friday morning, 25th February, the year 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

"I have heard many such things; Miserable comforters are you all! “

Job 16:2

If you have nothing good to say about somebody, rather say nothing. You know, the Lord Jesus Christ, He believes in us - He is the One that you have got to spend time with. Paul says:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

But you know, one negative word can break a person just like one encouraging person can build us up. I looked up the dictionary to find out the literal meaning of the phrase Job’s Comforter, this is what it says: “A Job’s Comforter is a person who aggravates distress under the guise of giving comfort.” You see, Job’s friends were supposed to comfort him but they didn’t really, did they?

Now, I want to say to you today, we (including me) need to encourage one another. When your wife, sir, cooks you that beautiful meal. Don’t get up from the table to say: “That was very nice. Thank you very much, but it's a pity that you burned the potatoes a little bit.” That is not encouragement, that is putting the needle in, isn’t it? Or when your husband comes home and he brings you a lovely bunch of flowers. "Oh", you say, “Darling, thank you. Those are beautiful but they are not really my favourite flowers.” What does that do? It just un-does everything. We need to build each other up... There is enough pain in this world.

Vincent Van Gogh is one of the greatest master painters and artists of all time. You know, his brother used to take his paintings, give him a couple of cents for them and hide them under his mattress because he was ashamed of those paintings. Those paintings are so expensive, you can’t buy them today. We need to encourage one another, not take away from each other. The Lord has called us to be encouragers, like Barnabas. He was an encourager.

Build people up. Phone somebody today and say, “Listen, I just want to tell you I really appreciate your friendship.” When you see somebody old, say, “I really love that dress you are wearing there.” And that will make that old lady’s day. Walk that old person across the road. Sit down and spend time with somebody today.

Be an encourager. Don’t be a Job’s Comforter.

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan