
I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Tuesday morning, it is the 20th of June, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We start in Psalm 17:8. David says: 

"Keep me as the apple of Your eye;…” 

“But you know his proven character, that as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel.”
Philippians 2:22

Who we are is what counts, nothing else. It's not our qualifications, the trophies that we have won or the medals that we have received, it's not the accolades but the person behind them that people want to know. You see, when Paul was writing to the Philippians, he was recommending Timothy. He says, “he has a proven character.” David says, “The Lord has got me as the apple of His eye. I know He loves me.” Who we are is more important than anything else. When I travel overseas to speak in different countries, they don’t really want to know about my academic qualifications - it's just as well because I don’t have any, but they want to know about my family. The first question they ask is, ‘How is your wife? How are your children, your grandchildren? How are things going on the farm with your farm workers? How is your horse, Snowy?” I am not joking, and then they say, “Okay, right, now tell us your story.” 

We need to work on our character. We need to work more on our character and not so much on our achievements. Our Lord Jesus Christ was known as the One who healed the sick, He took care of the widows and the orphans, He was the Miracle-worker, He is the One who stood up for truth and righteousness. Remember when His cousin, John the Baptist baptised Him in the Jordan River? He came out of the water and the Lord, His Heavenly Father said, 

“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.” 
Matthew 3:17

Today as we go out, whether we are working as artisans, plumbers, blacksmiths, or diesel mechanics, whether we are lecturers at university, whether we are students, whether we are farmers, let people know who we are, not so much by our qualifications but by our lifestyle. That means more to people than anything else.

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan