Early Risers

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Saturday morning, it is the 4th of March, the beautiful year of 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

Horatio Bonar was a great hymn-writer and out of one of his hymns this is what he says, “Begin the day with God, He is your sun and day.”

“Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.” 
Matthew 28:1

The early bird catches the worm - there is no doubt about it. The two Marys were the first people on the earth to see the risen Christ because they got up early in the morning. Don’t speak to people about God until you have spoken to God about people. Many times, the disciples couldn’t find Jesus. “Lord, where have You been? The people are waiting for You.” He was up the mountain early with His Father, getting instructions from the Lord for the day ahead. When God told Moses that He was going to give him the Ten Commandments, He wanted him up the mountain early in the morning.

“So be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself to Me there on the top of the mountain, And no man shall come with you…” 
Exodus 34:2-3

You should give the Lord Jesus Christ your first fruits of the day and you should do it on your own, in a quiet time place. I am a 4 am riser and I come out of my prayer room at 9 o’clock. I have the privilege of doing that because my sons are now running the farms. The Lord speaks to me very clearly early in the morning. Yes, He speaks to me during the day, but the day becomes clouded with peoples’ opinions and different situations that occur.

If you want to go to the game reserve and see animals at their best, get up early in the morning. I want to say something outrageous - I have got no scriptural backing for this - I believe when the Lord comes for the second and the final time, what a day that will be! I do not think He will be coming at midday, I do not think He will be coming in the evening, I think He will be coming early in the morning when that trumpet calls and He comes in the clouds of glory! Oh my dear friend, are you ready for that?

Oh Lord, what a morning
Oh Lord, what a morning
Oh Lord, what a morning
When the Saviour comes to call!

Be ready, He is coming soon! Get up in the morning!

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan