Rest In Him

I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Friday morning, the 3rd of March, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“Even the youths shall faint and grow weary,
And the young men shall utterly fail, 
But those who wait on the Lord 
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,  
They shall walk and not faint”.
Isaiah 40:30-31

How are you feeling today? Are you feeling a bit worn out, or completely stressed out with the pace of life that you are living at the moment? Well, I want to share my heart with you today. I want to read something out of my personal journal. A few days ago, Jill and I went up into the mountains, to a little cottage that was right in front of a beautiful pool of water, like a small lake. We arrived there for a quiet weekend together and I wrote, “Thank you Jesus, we truly need the break. There is no TV in this cottage, there is no distraction at all in fact. On purpose, I have left everything behind. My books (I read a lot, but took no books. I only took my Bible and my quiet time book that I am reading out of for you). It is beautiful here. It is serene. The little lake looks like a mirror. There is absolutely no interruption at all and indeed we can feel the very presence of Jesus in this place. Please talk to us Master, I pray. There is discipline required here and You are going to show me. By nature, I am a very busy person and I am running to and fro. I remember one day Lord, you even said to me, “Angus, your busyness makes me tired” and so it is a good time to sit and be quiet in God’s beautiful nature garden.”

You know, I sat outside on that verandah and I watched, for the first time in a long time, I got up, I walked around in a circle and I sat down again. No cell phone, no iPad, no distraction. I looked and there was a little coot, a little black bird and he had a mate and they had made a nest underneath some roots at the edge of the lake. They were going back and forwards and getting food, and then a couple of Egyptian Geese landed right on the lawn in front of us and they made a big racket, they were having a big discussion together. I was totally taken up by this. Just a few minutes later a cooing dove came and sat in the tree next to me and started singing, and I remembered that it was a Dove that came down and settled on our Lord Jesus Christ. It was the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, and nature started speaking to me. 

Now, I am a farmer, I should be used to this but you know, farmers are probably some of the busiest people around. We need to take time out, not just to smell the roses but also to watch the birds. 

Today, rest in Him and He will renew your strength.
Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan