The Road To Eternal Life

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 2nd of March, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.  

“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”
John 8:36

If Jesus has made us free then we need to stay free and not go back to Egypt, but we say, “It is so hard walking on this road.” We say, “It's very tough. Why did we come out of Egypt?” Now, you will find that scripture in Numbers 11:20:

Why did we ever come up out of Egypt? 

You see, the road to eternal life is hard and it is narrow and few walk on it.

“Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” 
Matthew 7:14

It leads to eternal life. In the desert of life, God teaches you and me to think out of the box. That’s right. He teaches us to improvise. He toughens us up. He has to let us go through these times so that we grow strong, and not be led like sheep to the slaughter. I remember many years ago as a young man listening to a message, I have never forgotten this picture. The preacher said that there is a flock of wild geese and they are flying high and free. They go wherever they want to go. There is no slave driver over them. Yes, it is tough and it is hard and they are lean and sometimes very hungry, but they are free to go wherever they desire. Then we have the Muscovy duck who is pent up in a chicken run getting fed as much as he can eat but he is going nowhere fast. By the way, he is getting fattened up for the pot. He is running up and down that hen run, flapping those little wings of his which would not be able to carry him anywhere when he hears the cry of the wild geese flying overhead. You and I are never ever going back to the fleshpots of Egypt, where it seems so comfortable. Jesus has made us free and we are heading home. That’s right, we are flying to Heaven, and we are going to get there because He is going ahead of us. Today, do not compromise your freedom for a plate of lentil soup like Esau did when he gave away his inheritance because he was hungry.

Jesus bless you today as you keep heading home,

Angus Buchan