The Right Road

Good morning to you - greetings in Jesus’ name!

It is Thursday morning, 14th July 2022 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

Acts 9:18:

“Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptised.”

Saul of Tarsus was on the wrong road. He was on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians. He thought he was doing the right thing. 

There are none so blind as those who just do not want to see. Paul was clearly on the wrong road and passionately doing the wrong thing. How many of us today are doing likewise? We are saying, “Lord, why are you allowing this to happen to me?” Jesus is saying to us today that He is not prepared to be a rubber stamp of approval on our personal plans. He will not bless them if we are not prepared to listen to His instructions and obey His commands. Unfortunately, just like Paul the Apostle, we will be knocked off our horses because we are going the wrong way. Sometimes Jesus allows that disaster in our lives to save us from sheer death. The scales fell off Paul’s eyes and then he could see clearly.

This morning I am speaking to a broken-hearted young lady whose boyfriend has left her for someone else and she is devastated. I want to say to you that maybe this is the best thing that has happened in your life because that young man might become a very unfaithful man if you were to marry him. He is not for you. God has got a special godly man for you and you will thank the Lord that you never got involved with him.

I am talking this morning to a businessman who is devastated because a business deal he thought was going to make a fortune has just collapsed, and I want to say to you sir, it might be the very thing that is going to save you from being ruined financially.  

I want to say to you this morning that we need to open our spiritual eyes. I want to pray for you.

Lord Jesus,

I am praying for my dear friend, right now - that you would put them on the right road just like you did with Paul the Apostle, so that this person might live a life that is fulfilled and a blessing, not only to him or to her, but to many others around them and that Jesus will get all the glory. Amen.

Have a wonderful day.
God bless you,

Angus Buchan